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Uninstalling Vista

Just like the other OS, Windows Vista can not be uninstalled. What matters now is to remove the Vista boot manager on it, especially if there is another OS in the same disk. Due to its own Vista, just stay formatted the existing Vista partition it. So before you remove Vista, make sure all your data either on Vista, or that the other OS's on-backup first. I suppose here, you are using a dual OS of Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Here's how to remove them:
1. Insert the Windows XP installation CD, and set to boot
first time from the CD-ROM.
2. Let the XP installation process went until he came to this section.Meng uninstall vista Then press R = Repair, to enter the Recovery Console.
3. Once entered into the Recovery Console, and appears
Which Windows installation question "would you like to log onto", select Windows XPMeng uninstall vista
In this case, select number 1.
4. Enter the administrator password. Having successfully entered in the prompt,
write command fixboot C:
Meng uninstall vista
This command serves to write bootsector
new partition C.
5. After fixboot finished, there following command is fixmbr. But on the question arising, write Y. This command works for me as repairing the MBR, by means of writing a new MBR.
6. Restart your PC, and Vista boot manager was gone.
Next, you just delete or format
existing Vista partition it.

Another way to uninstall vista

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