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Recovery the CHK file in Flashdisk

What's CHK files?

This file is not a virus file. This file is created for any damage / error (bad sector) on the flash, so the windows deliberately changing the files that are not covered with the perfect be the naming of her CHK extension sequences, with the aim that the error sector is not in use anymore. What makes the bad sector is a frequent flash to remove the flash is no "safely remove hardware" first.

How these merecovery CHK files?

For this recovery CHK file extension back to its original, can be used UnCHK applications
. This application will read the file format extension CHK and the corresponding change to the file. But, unfortunately, this application can not be recovery the name as the original files, so if we have a lot of files, we will inconvenience rename be like the original file. For this application you can use Kaspersky Antivirus to scan files that have been recovered with the UnHK. When finished, see the Kaspersky scan log, so you can know what the original name of the file and rename the file becomes much easier

How to Use Application UnCHK very easy, you only need to specify the location where the CHK files are placed, then you must specify the location where the files are stored Recovery Results. In the form UnCHK - Scan Depth, I recommend you to select the option "Embeded files". After that, only a matter of course recovery process.

UnCHK programs need the Visual Basic 5 runtime files, which come pre-installed on Windows 2000 and newer. If you don't have them, you can get them from Microsoft or Ziff-Davis.
UnCHK version 3 was built for Windows 2000, but might work on computers as old as Windows 95. Version 2 was built for Windows 95, but might work on computers as new as NT4. Version 1 was built for Windows 3.1 and might work on computers as new as NT4. I recommend you use the newest version that applies, because the older versions really needed the fixes and features that are in later versions!

I suggest to create a backup file of the CHK files before recovery. 

Download : UnCHK versi 1, UnCHK versi 2, UnCHK versi 3

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