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Photo deleted - Restore with ease

It's sad when an image memory in the memory accidentally erased. For example, images in the time we were little or image that represents a beautiful memory. But by using a free tool you restore the image is biased as long as memory where you store the image is not in the format previously. Because if it is in the format of the photographs returned again unbiased. Namely by using application "Zero Assumption Digital Image Recovery" which can be taken from the address "" Application is only for generating an image file only. Only by showing the file where it used to be. The application is will find all the biased image files are saved, and then collected in a folder that you have previously specified.

Sungguh sedih jika suatu foto kenangan yang ada di memori tidak sengaja terhapus. Misalnya saja foto di waktu kita masih kecil atau foto yang mewakili suatu kenangan indah. Tapi dengan menggunakan tool gratis anda bias mengembalikan foto tersebut asalkan memory dimana anda menyimpan foto tersebut sebelumnya belum di format. Karena jika sudah di format maka foto – foto tersebut tidak bias dikembalikan lagi. Yaitu dengan menggunakan aplikasi “Zero assumption Digital Image Recovery" yang bisa di ambil dari alamat . Aplikasi ini hanya khusus untuk membangkitkan file gambar saja. Hanya dengan menunjukkan di mana letak file itu dulu berada. Aplikasi ini akan mencari semua file gambar yang bias diselamatkan, dan kemudian dikumpulkan dalam sebuah folder yang sudah anda tentukan sebelumnya.

Current version (ZAR 8.4) supports digital photo recovery for the following file formats:
  • GIF
  • JPEG 
  • TIFF
  • CRW - Canon RAW data
  • MOV, AVI movie
  • WAV - Waveform audio
  • CR2 - Canon CR2 RAW format (see notes below).
  • ORF - Olympus RAW format

Demo: Zero assumption Digital Image Recovery

Step  1 - Download, install, and start ZAR

Step 2 - Select processing mode

Step 3 - Select a physical device to recover

Step 4 - Recovery run
Step 5 - Select the files to recover

Step 6 - Copy files


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