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Eucedit - make a font

Menggunakan eudcedit
for those of you who want to make a font you can use eudcedit already available by default by windows. The tool is not visible in the list of All Programs.

How to Use the Tool:
Starting from the start button, click Run.

  1. Eudcedit type, click ok or press enter.
  2. Select the blank field, click OK.
  3. Continue by clicking the File menu, Font links.
  4. click the option link with Selected Fonts, select the type of font we want the link, click OK.
  5. As a reference in forming a new character, we can use a particular font. Click the Window menu, click Reference.
  6. Select the character to be a reference. We also can select the type
  7. fonts to be a reference, by clicking the Fonts button.
  8. Now be seen two editing boxes. The left is our Edit screen, while the right served as the layout of Reference.
  9. To speed up the work, we can make duplicate of an existing character. Way, click the Edit menu, click Copy Character.
  10. Selection of the characters we want to duplicate, click OK.
  11. Start a memo modification in accordance with the wishes of characters.
  12. If you are finished modifying, we save your changes by clicking the Edit menu, click Save Character.
  13. Now, we try to use the character of our modifications
  14. the text editor. Click the Start menu, click all programs,
  15. accessories, system tools, character map.
  16. When Character Map window open, choose the font type that has a link or attribute Private sounds.
  17. Select the desired character, click the button
  18. Select, proceed by clicking the Copy button.
  19. Open your favorite text editor, click the Edit menu, Paste or press ctrl and v keys simultaneously.
  20. Character of modifications have been ready for our use.

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