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Language Interface Pack (LIP)

Although English is the language of international affairs, many computer users who have not mastered this language penuh.sebuah good software is software that helps to include local local language as part of their interface. Microsoft has released Language Interface Pack (LIP) for Indonesian or Indonesian Interface Pack Office 2007. With Indonesian LIP, Office 2007 you can change the appearance into the Indonesian language. However, not all the applications in Office helped converted into Indonesian after you install the LIP. Applications that will change into Indonesian, ie Word, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and features Shared Offi ce. Time for another application will appear in the standard language used when
installation. To change the Office 2007 interface into Indonesian, you only need two things. First, the installer Offi ce 2007 version of what should you look for and install themselves. Both are Indonesian LIP package you can download from or get from PC Mild CD edition. While the minimum requirements that must be fulfilled is the OS to Windows Vista or Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Here is how the installation:
  1. Install Office 2007 in full, just follow the default settings.
  2. After Office is installed complete, install the LIP by running a file called LanguageInterfacePack.exe.Instal as usual.
  3. Run an application Offi ce, such as Word. Click the Office button and select Word Options.
  4. Select Download, then click Language Settings.
  5. In the Display Language tab, in the Display Microsoft Office menus and dialog boxes in, ubahmenjadi Indonesian. But let this Help Display still use Bahasa. The reason is if the display was changed to Help to Indonesian, the Help feature will not be used. Because apparently Help feature does not participate in the Indonesia.
  6. Click ok, then close all Offi ce applications running.
  7. Run back to Office applications, such as Word, then his current interface has changed all of the Indonesian language.

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